News Centre

Enviroweek 2021

Chesca Zambrano (Year 11)

Enviroweek was held during Week Four. Enviroweek is a fun, reflective week which helps the school to celebrate nature and the world around us.

On both Monday and Tuesday, there was free hot chocolate available at the cafeteria to students who brought a reusable cup. During interval and lunchtime, many students lined up to get their free hot chocolate from the volunteers running the free hot chocolate. This event was a delicious way to warm up during windy and rainy days!

Although Enviroweek was cut short because of lockdown, students were still able to participate in warm day during Friday and the photography competition.

The Laudato Si photography competition was an Enviro-week event competition where students can select their favourite pictures they have taken of the environment and explain how their chosen picture displays Laudato Si (‘In Praise of God and His Creation’).

Despite not being able to go to school during lockdown to participate in warm day, we were still able to take part in ‘Warm Day’ in the comfort of our homes. During class conferences on Friday, some students dressed up in their warmest clothes for ‘Warm Day’. Not only was this a cosy event to end our week, but it also encourages us to actively work together to take care of our environment and to show Laudato Si.

Thank you to the staff, leaders, and members of Enviroteam for organising Enviroweek. This week has motivated many students to start to appreciate the environment around us more