
A great relationship is about two things: first, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences.

Sancta Maria College is committed to providing a safe learning environment where all students feel valued and supported. Following the example of Mary, we show the importance of servant leadership and putting the needs of others first.

Our core value of respect opens our eyes to the fact we are all made in the image and likeness of God, and as such we all have the right to be respected and loved. Students are encouraged to feel safe, to grow and develop as positive individuals in a supportive and encouraging environment which recognises successes and accepts disappointments as part of the
journey to success.


Pastoral programmes

Peer Support

The Peer Support programme, Te Aka Tautoko Akonga, continues to flourish at Sancta Maria College. The programme develops a range of life skills that include communication, relationship and leadership skills, which enable the Peer Support Student Leaders to provide emotional and moral support to younger peers.

It operates at three levels: Year 11 students working with Year 7s, Year 12 students working with Year 8s and Year 13 students individually mentoring selected Year 9s and 10s.

The successful programme builds strong relationships between senior and junior school students, and gives younger students someone other than an adult to turn to if they have a problem. The Peer Support leader’s role is not to necessarily solve the problem but to guide the younger student to finding a solution i.e. refer to Guidance Counsellor or Homeroom teacher.

In addition to building strong relationships between senior and junior school students, the programme also creates opportunity for both mentors and mentees to become aware of the needs and feelings of others, and helps them to develop a sense of responsibility for each other that embraces our school’s Special Character and values.

Parent and Student Handbook

The 2024 Parents and Students Handbook can be viewed and downloaded here.  It contains important information on life at the College, including sections on uniform, behavioural expectations and protocols for absence.

Guidance Counselling

Sancta Maria College has at its heart the well-being of every student. We aim to provide an environment in which every single person feels valued, loved, respected and affirmed; an environment in which each student develops a ‘can do’ approach to life in the knowledge that ideas will be encouraged and diversity embraced.

Sancta Maria College’s Counsellors, who are members of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, offer a confidential and professional service to students. Students can be seen individually or in small groups through an appointment system.

Small groups that focus on particular issues such as resilience, anger management, loss or managing feeling down are offered as needed.

We aim to support students as learners by brief, skilful interventions that problem-solve or identify mental health issues that require ongoing attention or referral. Our goal is a happy, settled student who can maximise their potential and go on to a fulfilling life.

If there is risk to a young person, a counsellor will always take action of some sort to minimise that risk. Please ask our counsellors about this.

Our Counsellors

To make an appointment or refer someone:

      • Fill out a slip in the Waiting Room in BG1 and post it into the Post-box
      • Phone 274 4081 Ext 286
      • The student email for guidance support is connect@sanctamaria.school.nz
        However, this will not be monitored whilst school is closed but any contact via this email will be prioritised at the beginning of the 2022 new school year.

Some helpful contacts

Emergency Dial 111
You can get support through your Doctor/General Practitioner
Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor.
Lifeline– 0800 543 354 {0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 {HELP)
Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 {0508 TAUTOKO}
Healthline– 0800 611 116
Samaritans – 0800 726 666
Catholic Social Service – 09 378 9650
http://www.thelowdown.co.nz 0800 111 757
http://www.whatsup.co.nz  0800 942 8787
www.kidsline.org.nz 0800 54 37 54
www.youthline.co.nz 0800 37 66 33
https://depression.org.nz/ 0800 111 757

Parish Contacts
Our Lady Star of the Sea – 09 534 8710
St Mark’s – 09 5769759
St Luke’s – 09 359 4750