News Centre

Enviro Challenge

Sancta Maria College is an Enviroschool. The Enviroschools kaupapa wants to create a healthy, peaceful and sustainable world through learning and taking action together.

The five guiding principles that underpin the Enviroschools journey are: Empowered Students, Learning for Sustainability, Māori Perspectives, Respect for the Diversity of People and Cultures, and Sustainable Communities. If you want to know more about each principle, check them out at

This year, Sancta Maria College’s Kaitiakitanga prefects Karl and Eden pledged to address the threats to our natural heritage. They will endeavour to take action to protect and preserve it. Both prefects seek inspiration from the local community and work initiated by the Enviro team at our College.

As part of their initial reflection, Karl and Eden identified two areas they want to focus on: the correct use of the bin system on school grounds that will be extended to the correct ways to recycle, and the restoration of our natural heritage.

They want to empower students to help in developing sustainable communities. However, before action can take place, people must understand the facts and implications of current environmental issues. Karl and Eden would like to invite ALL of US to learn, understand and TAKE ACTION.

Challenge of the Week: look and reflect on what you see.

See you next week with your thinking hat!