News Centre

What is ‘Cans for Christmas’?


Cans for Christmas was established in 2015 as a community building project between the Catholic Schools around New Zealand to donate cans of food to their local St Vincent de Paul or Foodbank. Now in its fifth year, Cans for Christmas has grown to include 47 schools and collected over 22,000 cans of food for those in need. –

Once again, this year our school is taking part in this project and we encourage you all to donate at least one tin of food for those in need. Challenge yourself to go a little beyond that sad old can of baked beans at the back of your cupboard. What cans of food do you enjoy eating? There are so many to choose from that are healthy, nutritious and a yummy part of all your favourite recipes.

We start collecting next Monday, for two weeks, and donated cans can be dropped off in homerooms. Remember that we are proud to be Catholics and that means thinking about others and doing good deeds …. So, do some good, when you go shopping this week and next, put an extra can in your trolley, and send it along to school!

Emily Raukura