News Centre

Please help support victims of Cyclone Gita


At homeroom time on Thursday and Friday our Young Vinnies will be coming round the classrooms to collect donations of gold coins, cans of meat/fish and other canned food.
This is part of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Vinnies Youth programme here in Auckland in response to Cyclone Gita.

The SVDP in Tonga and Samoa have requested assistance to provide relief supplies to the families affected by this natural disaster. In response, the Society has launched this Appeal for the families in Tonga and Samoa affected by the cyclone.

Please be generous in your support.

The money raised will provide, toiletry, linen and foodpacks to be distributed to families in Samoa and Tonga. We are hoping your school community will be able to support us through the donation of a gold coin and/or cans, in particular those containing meat/fish.