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News from our Young Vinnies


Vinnies Retreat:
On Wednesday afternoon, a few of our students gathered together with the Ignite Team for the annual Young Vinnies Retreat. The afternoon kicked off with ice breakers that allowed the students to be energised after a tiring day of school.


This was followed by activities that truly opened the eyes of Sancta Maria College’s young Vincentians. Pieces of paper were placed on chairs, detailing an individual’s personal characteristics such as their careers , if they were quiet or a joker and what they loved to do. The students had to gather around the individuals who they most identified with. However, in turning each page, the students found how these individual’s lives changed through experiencing specific events in their lives.


The students were faced with the reality of our world, and what difficulties real people face on a day to day basis. Thanks to the work of the Ignite Team, Mr Piggin and our school’s Young Vinnies group, our young Vincentians were able to open their eyes to the world around them and recognise how they could work as leaders for the common good of our society and community.


Young Vinnies Leaders Commissioning Mass:
Fiat Siasoco, Gabriel Nito, Cameron Carter-Chan, Patricia Dela Cruz, Tahlisa Stevens and Angelika Bilbao joined other students from Catholics schools around Auckland and Hamilton and the young adult Vincentians at St. Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate their commissioning as Young Vinnies Leaders.


In their first get together since their Young Vinnies Camp, the students stood together,united in one purpose, to help those marginalised in society through the organisation of St. Vincent De Paul. An array of of reds, blues, yellows and greens could be witnessed as the students received their well-earned badges at the altar, where they were greeted by their region’s president and blessed by Father Sherwin who celebrated the special Mass. The special event concluded with food and hot cocoa for the cold night, as the students gathered to congratulate one another and catch up with their friends.


Angelika Bilbao