Friday became the day of pink galore. Throughout the week, the classes of Sancta Maria College had been gearing up for this final day of the week. Each year level had spent these last few days coordinating their events and activities concerning bullying free. In particular, decorating classrooms with pink banners, pink balloons, pink confetti, pink pom poms – anything pink to show their support for a Bullying Free NZ. When Friday came, students and staff alike banded together to join the movement to stop bullying and spread aroha and kindness.
What made Friday so special was that students were now given the freedom to not only decorate their classrooms in pink but to also decorate themselves. They could substitute any part of their school uniform with something pink. The people of Sancta Maria College turned up in cozy pink jumpers, pink paint, pink hair accessories and pink balloons. It was a delightfully pink day as the College has never seen so much pink in its entire lifespan – wrapping up the week on a rather high note.
The tradition of Pink Shirt Day started in Canada in 2007. Two students took a stand against homophobic bullying after a peer was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. The symbolism of the plethora of pink Aotearoa saw on Friday shows that we will Kōrero
Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying! Aoteroa joined scores of people from around the globe who support an environment where all people feel safe, valued and respected.
Our College is doing its small part in contributing to something much more significant than ourselves. We show that we stand up to bullying and that we are upstanders. By wearing pink, we, as a College, are collectively showing that everyone is a supporter of diversity, talking and doing something about bullying and working together.
A massive thanks go to all the staff and students for contributing to the people power behind Bullying Free NZ Week at Sancta Maria College. A particular thank you goes to Mr Rogers for being the fuel to the people power.
Katrina Chan