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Christmas Liturgy

“What will you bring to your family this Christmas? Hopefully, hope, love, faith and peace” – HoD of Religious Education, Mr Tamayo.

On the final day of school, Sancta Maria College celebrated its annual Christmas Liturgy. As a cohort, we managed to witness the joy Christmas brings into lives, and reflected on the effort that both students and teachers have put into making this year another fantastic year.

A short drama that was performed by Year 7-10 students highlighted the famous story of the nativity scene, but with a bit of a twist.

“The story was slightly modernised to add a little flavour. We didn’t want it to be too familiar,” stated Lynn Alboutros, one of the performers.

Students in the audience watched three of the four advent candles – faith, love, and peace be blown out and relit by the steady flame of hope.

This part of the performance demonstrated that hope is what keeps everything alive, it’s what pushes individuals to keep going, and with hope you can look forward to the future without the fear of losing peace, faith, and love. It emphasises the fact that Christmas is more than just presents and huge, endless meals.

Adding to that, students were encouraged to sing along Christmas carols like ‘Silent Night’, ‘Joy to the World’, and ‘O Come all Ye Faithful’.

In the end, it’s safe to say that it was a fun, exciting and nostalgic experience for all, especially for the Year 10s as they encountered their last Christmas Liturgy at the college.

A huge thank you to the music teachers, Mr Gibbs and Mr Cho, and Assistant Director of Religious Studies, Mrs Oliver, for making the 2020 Christmas Liturgy extraordinary and memorable.

Another thank you to all the year level deans, and teachers for all your hard work; none of us would have made it to the end of the year, alive, without your help and guidance!

Wishing you all the best during these holidays. God bless!

Alexandria Lazatin