2018 graduate, Mikayla Dance, is following her dream having gained a scholarship to a US university.
Mikayla has now been in Nevada for one month and has already competed in two dual swimming meets against University of Las Vegas and New Mexico. She travelled to New Mexico last week where she competed very well with a top 3 finish and this was her first experience of travelling with her team.
Her team is sponsored by Adidas so she arrived to a new wardrobe of clothes and shoes which was very exciting for her. Mikayla has been training extremely hard and is quite fatigued as she adapts to training at altitude and the intensity of her swimming and gym workouts. She is getting on very well with her coach Brendon Bray and team mates.
Mikayla travels to Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2 weeks for one of the pinnacle meets of their season where they compete against all other universities in the Mountain West Championships.
Mikayla started studies 2 weeks ago and life is certainly busy, walking through the snow in the morning across campus to training, breakfast, lectures, back to afternoon training, then gym workouts. The facilities are amazing and there has been little down time as when not training or studying she is resting in preparation for the next day.