News Centre

Important changes to traffic flow entering and exiting Sancta Maria Campus introduced today


As of Monday, February 25, due to the volume of traffic at the start and end of the school day, a traffic management plan has been implemented to ensure that the flow of traffic continues with the least traffic build up during these heavy volume times.

Thank you for your continued co-operation and support as we manage the traffic movement entering and exiting the Sancta Maria Campus.

As from Monday, February 25 all traffic for both the College and Primary Schools (excluding buses and registered mini buses) will not be permitted to continue directly up to the top drop off zones during the following times: 8.20am -8.50am and 2.30pm – 3.30pm

During each of these periods, you will be directed into the bottom Te Irirangi Carpark and you are to follow the flow of traffic around the carpark, then turn left and continue up and around the top drop off zone and exit back down the driveway. You will not be permitted to turn right out of the bottom carpark as this disrupts the flow of traffic. If you wish to park in the bottom field on the right-hand side as you enter the campus, you are able to do so, but you will need to proceed as above and enter this area by turning left as you come down the driveway.

The above plan has arrows indicating the flow of traffic that you will be required to follow. When dropping off students please drive through to the furthest gaps to prevent congestion.

Sancta Maria College senior prefects are performing an amazing task being our traffic monitors and we appreciate their assistance. We ask that you please respect them as they carry out these duties and be guided by their direction at all times.

Once again, we thank you for your patience and co-operation. Please be reassured that we are doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our school community.