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International Students graduate

Sunflowers, once in bloom, stand tall and proud radiating joy and positive energy much like the Year 13 international students of 2018. The scent of sunflowers and the sound of laughter filled the not so quiet room today in the library of Sancta Maria College where proud parents, teachers and fellow international students gathered to celebrate the Year 13 international student graduation.

The graduation started off upbeat, literally. The song ‘You make your own music’ played as the graduates processed to their seats where their graduation hats and sunflowers waited.


A series of presentations displaying photos and videos congratulating the young graduates kick-started the event. Various speeches congratulating and thanking those present followed, setting off tears and laughter all around the room. To top it off there was a special musical performance by Kobe Liu and Jason Wang who sang a beautiful Chinese song accompanied by guitar.

There were 10 Year 13 international students graduating today and they were proudly presented certificates by the College principal Ms Louise Moorie and Mrs Rosemary Gillies, Director of International Students.


Two of the international students, William Che and Yuria Haga are going to study fashion design. Yuria will be heading to Melbourne to study. Eileen Chen will be studying bio medicine and Eric Feng, construction. Howard Cui and Henry Yu will be taking engineering. Kelly Qi is off to America to study music and opera and Chongbin Wee is also heading to the States to study piano tuning. Christina Ma will be studying Psychology at the University of NSW and Jessica Zhang has chosen to study commerce.

All of the Year 13 international students have developed remarkably throughout the year and we wish them all the best of luck with their new journey.


Evelyn Sia