News Centre

Kaitiaki Club urges us to care for our school environment

Pope Francis has spoken on several occasions about environmental issues. At Sancta Maria College we have taken up the challenge to produce less waste. This year at the College we ask that students do not bring in single-use plastics and take their rubbish home with them. However, the Kaitiaki Club noticed that rubbish is still being found around the grounds and we call on our student body to help!

We want our students to learn to value cleanliness in our school and the wider area, and to become a productive member of society by picking up your waste. Keeping our school clean by asking students to participate in a daily clean up teaches responsibility and maintains our space collectively, rather than relying on those who get paid to clean it.

8CLE managed many ‘clean ups’ by providing buckets and tongs to homerooms from Year 7 – 13. Each homeroom gets a two-week slot per term with a few students rostered on each day.  Their efforts have made a huge difference to our school environment and as a ‘thank-you’ students were provided with a pizza lunch from the Kaitiaki Club. Of course, the pizza boxes will not contaminate our recycling and students with dispose of them by putting them in our compost!