News Centre

Making Hospice happen! A happy ending!


Once again, it was that time of the year at Totara Hospice when Hospice volunteers attended their end-of-year Christmas luncheon. This year, volunteers had the choice to attend on November 29 or 30. Mrs McCreath, Sophia Bebelman and Joshua De Guzman were there on the November 30 to distribute the Christmas parcels put together by 7LIS and 12LIS.

Each parcel contained a jar of honey, a coaster, a cup and a face cloth that were purchased at special discount prices from Briscoes Botany, Bed Bath and Beyond Manukau and Mr B’s Bee Honey. A Christmas card individually designed by 7LIS students was also included in each bag. We would like to thank everyone who supported this project. ‘Making Hospice Happen’ project is a true testimony of our school values of Community and Catholic Faith.