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Prize money helps Penguin Rescue


As a result of the efforts of students such as Mikayla Killip, Sydney Causer and Mia Gilchrist, Sancta Maria College came sixth in Pest Free Howick’s Moth Plant Competition. This placing has meant that prize money worth $100 was awarded to Team Sancta Maria College.

After some deliberation, it is decided that this money is going towards Penguin Rescue in the South Island. This will provide sanctuary for yellow-eyed penguins and provide support for the penguins on the South Island to be self-sustaining populations. This is done by maintaining penguin habitat and minimising human disturbance. Through these actions, it is the hope that these beautiful penguins will be removed from the endangered list and thrive in high numbers.

Thank you to Pest Free Howick and the efforts of students in Sancta Maria College for giving these penguins an opportunity to live an optimal life where we can all enjoy living side by side with them for generations to come.

Katrina Chan