Following Thursday and Friday’s event (planting trees by the Year 7s and 8s) was the community planting day last Saturday. This was an open invitation to any one in our community who wanted to plant trees behind Sancta Maria Primary.
Mr Brabant, Chairman of the BOT, Mr Gray and his wife and some council members including Kate Jessop from Enviroschools came to help with the planting.
Jason Huang, a Year 13 student, planted around 100 trees by himself. Altogether, they planted around 1000 NZ native plants. There were a variety of native flora which included; Coprosma, Whiteywood, flax and grass.
Despite sport commitments, it was great to see people spend their afternoon planting trees. If you were not able to make it to this one, there are many more opportunities in other places.
Saturday June 8th, 16th – Whakatiwai 10am-12pm
Sunday June 9th – Hamlin’s Hill/Mutukaroa 10am-12pm
Saturday June 15th – Tōtara Park, Manukau 9.30am-12pm & 12.30pm-3pm
Sunday June 23rd, 29th – Waitawa 10am-12pm
Sunday June 30th – Ambury 10am-12pm
Saturday July 7th, 13th – Waitawa 10am-12pm
Sunday July 21st, 28th – Waitawa (if needed)
Cyprus Causer