News Centre

Science Roadshow – A Huge Success


On Monday, the Year 7 and 8 classes enjoyed the Science Roadshow in the school’s auditorium. It was a huge success. Our homeroom (7DNN) went to the auditorium in Period 4. We were joined by a Sancta Maria Primary class and a Year 8 class. We started off with a welcome from the Roadshow presenters and had our first show called “Am I Living?” We learnt about the acronym “MRS GREN” which we already knew about from Term 1 Science.


After that, one of the Roadshow people, Kendall, held a competition. It worked like this: in four of the science exhibitions there were yellow flags. At these four exhibits, a teacher wearing a yellow sash would ask us questions about the exhibition. If we passed, they would punch a hole in our answer card and this would go into the draw for a prize.


Unfortunately, when we were there, the 3D Printer broke. After the curiosity with the exhibitions ended we had to come back and wait for the competition draw to commence. We had a huge drumroll and there were 2 winners. A Year 8 student and me! We won a fidget toy each, which I called the fidget screw (made by the 3D Printer). Then we had our second show called “Fire and Ice”. At about 1:50 pm, we had to leave the Roadshow and I was sad. Even though we had much fun, it was time to leave them to go on their country road trip to visit other schools nationwide.


The Science Roadshow is a mobile science discovery centre that travels around N.Z. Their truck brings science exhibitions to schools and communities nationwide.


Joshua Araos