I was lucky enough to be chosen to be a part of World Vision’s Senior Scholarship Week sponsored by Sanitarium. I was selected by Mrs Kevern as the school’s representative at this 4-day leadership course in January.
One student from each of the 30 top fundraising schools from around Aotearoa was given the opportunity to learn and experience all World Vision has to offer. We were exposed to many new, exciting and somewhat difficult challenges that the world faces today. Not only did we learn from the best World Vision New Zealand has to offer but we also got to experience thought provoking sessions and hands on activities that challenged each senior student in different ways. We covered issues like broken relationships, dominant culture, equity and equality; and advocacy to name a few.
“Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God” Robert Pierce – World Vision Founder.
From the things I have seen and heard about refugees and from people who have been working in countries like South Sudan, I am glad to be a part of a community where we do what we can for children who have no voice. From all the teachings, talks and things we experienced on this week with World Vision, the senior students were asked to create a campaign for their school and what they expect from the students in their school.
I expect that the students at Sancta Maria College will want to do something to help those people less fortunate, like those in South Sudan suffering through the refugee crisis. I hope that our students will understand the issues that World Vision are trying to deal with. To help those who don’t have an education or basic human needs like water, food and a roof over their head.
This year Sancta Maria College will not only fundraise but we as a school will connect with our families, friends and communities to spread the word that wars and crises are not ok, and that we can do something to prevent them.
If anyone would like to talk about these things, or get more information about World Vision, the 40hr famine or about the scholarship week, please come and see me.
Grace Grove
Year 13