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Year 8 Tree Planting – Helping our Environment


After the Enviro Team joined Enviroschools, we had our first project with them on May 24, 2019. The focus of this project was about the environment, trees, and wetlands. In this case, we were planting trees behind Sancta Maria Primary, while also planting beside Chapel Rd and Te Irirangi Dr.

On the day, all Year 8 classes experienced the following activities: The Drain Game, Mapping Stormwater Drains, observing what Wetlands do, looking at what ends up in our water, and observing fish that live in streams. The Drain Game, Mapping Drains and what ends up in our water, all relate to do with water and how water is important to life in streams. While wetlands make us understand more about life in a wetland and why wetlands are important. Learning about native and exotic fish make us more aware of native fish.

After these 5 activities, we started planting trees and flax, with two classes on the Chapel Rd side, while the rest of the classes were on the Te Irirangi Dr side. Students enjoyed this because it was hands-on planting and it was saving the environment.

The Year 8 students would like to thank Mrs. McCreath and the Enviro Team for making this event possible for the Year 8s while also helping in the programme to restore Otara Creek to its former glory.

Joshua Araos