News Centre

News Centre takes a daytrip to see what’s behind our screens


Sancta Maria College’s own News Centre Team was given the exciting opportunity to visit Sky TV Studios. They were given a tour around the premises to see how this Kiwi media company functions on a day to day basis.


Stephanie Whyte, training manager at Sky TV was our tour guide, with 14 years of experience up her sleeve at the studios she was very knowledgeable and prepared when it came to knowing all the staff, how the company operated and had answer to all our questions.


We were shown areas of technology, graphics and audio to give us a really good taste of what a career in media is like, and the constant 24 hour monitoring and attention it needs. Television never sleeps and neither does the functioning behind it.


The media control room reiterated this, adorned with screen after screen. Being able to witness the rooms where everything happens – including the isolated, secure and closely monitored room where ‘Game of Thrones’ is received direct from the distributors in the States, was definitely an eye-opener in itself. With Sky TV being the exclusive streamer of Game of Thrones and only 10 employees allowed to enter the room, the team was chomping at the bit to see what was behind that door. Sadly, and understandably, that was off-limits.


It was a great experience to see how much hard work and effort goes into producing the recorded programmes and live sports broadcasts we take for granted as we watch Sky TV for our own entertainment and relaxation.


Niamh Walsh