It has been a year that has rocketed past and along the way we welcomed our new Principal Louise Moore into the school. To keep Louise on her toes she was confronted with an ERO review and a special character review! In addition, the Board and Senior Leadership Team met together one weekend to review our strategic direction and while all this was going on staff and students kept on doing what they do best – teaching and learning.
From the Boards perspective we are very satisfied with the direction the school is taking. We are now moving on from our establishment days and have a distinct future focus. We are addressing contemporary pedagogic issues to ensure our students are provided with the best learning styles and opportunities possible. For our staff, there has been an emphasis on professional learning and development to best equip them in their core business – education. This will continue in 2016.
During the year the college has farewelled a number of staff who have taken up new developmental opportunities in other schools or are moving overseas. While it is always regrettable to lose staff that have made such a contribution to the school, it also reflects positively on the school that their experiences, have prepared them well for promotion and development opportunities within the education sector.
The Human Resources Committee of the Board of Trustees monitor staff recruitment and exiting of staff to ensure we don’t have underlying issues leading to resignations and we would always move quickly to address such issues, were they to be identified.
Exams are now over and students, parents and staff all await the results of this year’s hard work. At our Leavers’ Dinner last week, we officially farewelled our group of year 13 students. It was interesting to note the intended career pathways of these young adults. It confirmed for me that we have an environment in our school which is without doubt giving them the confidence to choose meaningful and challenging careers. The choices appeared to cover a significant range of professions and trades. I am encouraged that they have the confidence to make these choices and I wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
Finally then, my thanks to everyone for your support of the College this year. On behalf of the Board I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. We will continue to look for your support and involvement with the College in 2016.
Season’s Greetings. Brendan Ryan Chairperson Sancta Maria College Board of Trustees.