Thanks to the hard work of our teacher librarians, Mrs O’Rorke and Mrs Dickson, events are well underway.
Our librarian team has seen some major expansion, with 13 new librarians welcomed at the beginning of this week. Those new to the team, particularly the Year 7s, were buddied up with senior librarians. Heading up the student librarian team for 2019 are Danica Loulie-Wijtenburg and Faith Cruz.
In addition, Kids Lit Quiz is once again well under way with an exciting new influx of Year 7 readers. Training begins next week where we will put our competitors to the test to expand their literary knowledge before the global competition begins in May.
Sign-ups are beginning for the Year 9 Reader’s Cup after the very successful inaugural event we hosted last year. Students are encouraged to sign up in groups of 5 to participate.
The library department is looking forward to the many fun events the year ahead promises to hold.
Danica Loulie-Wijtenburg