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Anna selected for Young Enterprise Scheme


Congratulations to Anna Faulkner, a Year 13 Business Studies student, on being selected to take part in the Young Enterprise Scheme – Entrepreneurs in Action Business Experience for 2019. Annually this organization chooses 80 Young Enterprise Scheme students from many applicants as it is open to students from all regions.

Anna takes interest in meeting new people, gaining knowledgeable business experience for the future and potentially her own business.  Along with other applicants, she submitted her video to the programme, recently finding out the good news of her selection.

Looking forward to taking part in the three-day business challenge, this opportunity allows Anna to be mentored by one of the 10 host companies while competing in the challenges involving strategies of problem-solving, teamwork skills and innovative thinking. As the challenging year for all continues, Anna, in her last year at Sancta Maria College, wants to do a Bachelor of Commerce at University. As all the students work hard throughout the school year to achieve their goals, Anna suggests that others should, “take every opportunity as they won’t get anywhere if they don’t try.” 

Best of luck to Anna when she heads off to Massey University, Wellington, from Thursday June 27 till Sunday June 30, to take part in the competition.

Teresa Croker