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APO Discovery Concert

Raine Montecillo and Camilla Isip (Year 13)

On May 12th, Junior and Senior students involved in our school’s music scene had the fantastic opportunity to attend the annual Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra’s Discovery Concert. It was held in the Town Hall, located right in the heart of Auckland City.

This year’s theme was ‘Music and Journeys’, featuring a range of different classical pieces from Germany all the way to original pieces from New Zealand. They performed well-known favourites such as “In the Hall of the Mountain King” and “The Morning Song” as well as showcasing a brand-new contemporary piece “Regarding Human Beings Like Roses” by New Zealand composer, Liam Pram – the audience being the first to hear it!

The Concert not only provided an opportunity to be with like-minded students, it was also a great way for the students to learn more about classical music and how the conductor plays a big role in creating a certain atmosphere. Leonard Weiss, the APO’s conductor for the concert demonstrated how his change in hand movements can affect the tempo and dynamics of the music; this allowed the students to hear part of the same piece twice, once with a dark and heavy ambience and again with a light and wispy feel. It was certainly an ‘eye-opening’ moment!

Overall, everyone enjoyed a sunny day outside the classroom listening to the harmonious melodies curtesy of the orchestra and learning more about the experiences and journeys music can take us on. Thank you to all the staff who managed to make this day special for us!