Fantastic day of learning experiences. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to come and share a day in the life of Sancta Maria College.” – Gail Spence
A typical reaction from one of the nineteen parents who availed themselves of the opportunity to discover what it is like to be a student in a 2018 classroom at our College.
The day started with a ‘homeroom’ session in the chapel, including prayers and an introduction to current educational practices by our principal Ms Moore and deputy principal Mr Green.
It was then the turn of some of our prefects to take over as they led the parents on a tour of the school in preparation for their classroom experiences.
Breaking into groups the parents then entered the classrooms as students. Some went to Religious Education, others to Business Studies, Music or Mathematics. Here they looked at modern teaching methods and the integration of technology into the curriculum.
“Religious Education is not only a traditional faith subject but also a modern technological subject to gather people to Jesus,” commented Cecilia Hong.
By now it was interval and time for a well-deserved break and a chance to relax while enjoying refreshments provided by our hospitality students in the Compass café.
Next, straight on to period three and the choice of Science, Digital Photography, Media Studies or French.
“It was an informative and enlightening day. I have new confidence about how my children learn in a modern-day approach to teaching,” added Armin Goudie.
After an informative morning at school the parents assembled in the auditorium where they shared their experiences and thoughts as a group. Following the official ‘class photograph’ the parents were invited to conclude their day at school by joining the students for lunch time Mass in the Chapel.
We now look forward to 2019 and ‘Back to the Future 3’.