News Centre

Butterfly Garden Makeover

Sharliz Ang (Year 13)

Earlier this month, many students, along with Dr Laux and Mrs McCreath, set to task, working hard to give our once beautiful butterfly garden a makeover. This was a joint effort between members of the Caritas group and the Enviro team – an event that attracted many other students who simply wanted to help. It met the Caritas goal of ‘Sweat it’ and the Enviroschools theme of ‘Living landscapes’ but most importantly, it rejuvenated a neglected garden once swarming with butterflies and insect life.

Taking a lot of effort, strength and dedication from the participants, they managed to clear out the weeds and dead flowers from the overgrown garden, after school. Their hard work paid off as it’s now ready for new flowers and plants. One student commented that… “it was a therapeutic experience.” Although the team were working hard, they enjoyed the opportunity to relax, do something different, chat and actually see that their actions made a physical difference! Nice work team!

Later, this month, the butterfly garden will be filled with all sorts of plants and flowers which will be kindly donated by Bunnings Botany, with the aim of creating a symbol of hope; as we approach Easter where butterflies can once again visit and entertain many of our students’ eyes. Special thanks go to local businesses – Bunnings Botany and Mitre 10 for their ongoing support and donations towards the beautification of Sancta Maria college.