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Celebrating on ice


As you all should know, 8DNN won the Bully-Free Week competition. We were allowed to choose either a shared pizza lunch (and one period off) or two periods doing anything we wanted. We chose the two periods because we could have more periods off school – smart, right?

We had a hard time deciding what to do. Escape room… rock climbing… jump. But the closest, cheapest and most popular vote was ice skating. So that’s where we went. It was cool. In both ways. No, seriously, it was freezing.

As soon as we got on the ice, there were people falling, show-offs, beginners, ice-eating people and people clinging to the sides for dear life (until someone very kindly decided to hire them frames).

Some of us (ahem, two of us) were experienced figure skaters, while the rest of us were…well…let’s just say inexperienced. But we all got better until most of us let go of our frames and were set free.

We had a brilliant time bashing into the wall, taking photos with cheesy smiles, laughing hard out at people, and slipping… and slipping… and slipping.

Overall, this was a great experience for all of us, from those who were absolutely amazing at the start to those who really weren’t. Half of us even learned how to skate properly!

Thank you to Miss Black and Mr. Rogers for organising and making this trip happen, as well as all the incredible people who drove us there and back.

Go 8DNN!

Alanna Santoso, Danett Pepito and Ella Dickens