“All of us” is one of the key phrases in our school acronym, and on Wednesday “all of us” gathered together as a faith community to celebrate Sancta Maria College’s Inaugural Mass of 2019.
The Mass began with an address from the 2019 Deputy Head Girl (Special Character), Aislinn Manuyag, followed by a cheerful greeting from Father Kevin. Alongside Father Kevin, we were also joined by Father Craig and Deacon Thomas.
Both the Kapa Haka and the newly formed worship band led our singing for our Mass, and they did an amazing job in making our celebration more special.
As the Mass ended we carried out the tradition of the school candle being passed on by the two youngest students of the school from Year 7 to the Head Prefects for 2019, Tahlisa Stevens and Maurice De Jesus.
The Mass was significant for both students and staff, making it one of the most memorable events in the school’s calendar, as both students and staff were left with a message saying that we need to learn to appreciate and be thankful for everything and for everyone around us.
Faith Cruz