Friday saw students and staff adorned in an array of pink across the College. The school community dusted off their pink tutus and fairy wings in preparation for Pink Shirt Day – a highly anticipated event which has quickly become a Sancta Maria College favourite.
The outrageous costumes mean business just as much as they mean fun, the audacious clothing and face paint are all for a good cause: taking a stand against bullying. Pink Shirt Day also brings awareness to all students about how to act in situations that involve bullying, bringing bullying into the spotlight and providing strategies how to tackle bullies as a school community.
It is always comforting to see both students and teachers alike embracing the day and going that extra step to display their support. However, the tutus must now be hung in the closet until next Pink Shirt Day, when the costumes and decorations will have hopefully evolve just as they have in previous years.
Now, let us treat every day as Pink Shirt Day – not necessarily in the way that we dress, but in the way that we act. By doing this we can eradicate bullying not just in our Sancta Maria College community, but beyond and into our and others’ everyday lives.
Stella Cranwell