Complete with Italian bel canto singing, glorious orchestral music, love-struck characters, grand props, and a light, romcom storyline, the evening just couldn’t get any better!
Evening traffic was not enough to hold spirits down on 29 May, as ten lucky Sancta Maria College students were treated to the joyous opportunity of watching “The Elixir of Love” by Donizetti at the Aotea Centre.
Viewing a live opera, for many of these music students, was a first, and definitely a spectacular one at that, as everyone (even teachers who had watched a few) were in awe of the irresistible characters, music and storyline. It added up to an exceedingly great performance, showcasing the great art of opera.
After an unforgettable experience like this, the music students are eagerly looking forward to another bel canto-sung opportunity.
Maris Balili